Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A couple

I made this cake for a lovely new couple celebrating their 1st wedding anniversary.......!. The wedding anniversary was same day with the husband's birthday. Vanilla butter cake with white chocolate ganache filling and covering.

The day after tomorrow, my client called me and she said that.... "The cake was sooooo delicious, romantic and adorable, The figurines truly were so gorgeous. I have to highly recommend to my friends".

I wish both of you have a wonderful children soon, and have a great family.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

For mum's to be

I made these a few of cupcakes for Wury a friends of mine at the office. She ordered for goody bag hers pregnancy "4th months" party, in Indonesia we call "empat bulanan", It's a traditional culture Indonesian people especially from Java. Have a nice party Wury.

Monday, February 7, 2011

White Roses

I was so excited to do this cake, as a friend of mine, Irvan was going to give it to Irvan's girl friend. 

"This cake was sooooooo cute. I'll bet It taste as good as it look" Said Irvan.

Brownies Coklat Keju

This cake I made for Ms. Dita. she loved cheese so much.

And the day after tomorrow I've got a message by email from Ms. Dita, she said that the cake was delicious.

Thanks a lot Ms. Dita hoping your next order.

My hobby is Badminton

0Mrs. Ida called me when the office, she ordered birthday cake for her husband birthday. "My husband hobbies are soccer, reading, traveling, badminton", said Mrs. Ida.

Ahaaa........ Badminton  is good idea for  Mrs. Ida's  husband birthday cake, cause I was totaly inspired by cake miracle belongs to Ms. Penny Respati. 

Mrs. Ida was so surprise  after she received the cake she said that the birthday cake was soooo cute!!!!!!!. and the day after tomorrow she called me again and she said that birthday cake was so delicious, and her son ate the cake more, more, more and more.

I'm so happy to hear about that, wishing you a wonderful familly.

Friday, February 4, 2011

15 Faces

Ms. Yani ordered this cake for celebrate her birthday and for 14 her friends who were birthday on the same month. I cover this cake with white fondant and the faces are 15 people hand-made of out modeling fondant. Happy Birthday for all of you guys.


Birthday cake for Melsi's husband

I made these cake for a friend of mine Melsi who is a salsa dancer. Hers husband birtday on January, but I already posted these photo on February. Happy birthday for your Melsi's husband wish you all the best.

Ben10 for Sultan

Birthday cake ini pesanan mbak Widuri buat putra pertamanya Sultan. Sultan suka sekali dengan karakter Ben10.